WFX Market legal docs

Terms of Service

Read the Terms of Service and License Agreement for WFX Market as well as our App & Developer Agreements.

Privacy Policy

Find out more about what information we collect at WFX Market, how we use it, and what control you have over your data.

Cookie Policy

Find out more about cookie information we collect at WFX Market, how we use it, and what control you have over your data.

Legal Disclaimer

Learn important information about the use of the WFX Market platform and risk disclaimer.

Frequent question

Do you have any questions?

  • What is WFX Market?
  • What is the best time to choose for trading?
  • What are the purchase time and the expiration time?
  • How do I withdraw money?
  • Do I need to provide any documents to make a withdrawal?
  • Is there a fee on inactive accounts?
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